Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Many Faces Of Wildfires

Wildfires, they are big and they are dangerous. They can destroy anything that is in its path, and it can travel for miles and miles, taking lives and taking the homes of both animals and people. The fire can reach all the way to the top of trees, burning them until they look like burned matches. The grass can turn into ashes, plants can be burned up, and the sky will be filled with smoke. This smoke is thick and hard to see through, and it is hot like your being cooked in an oven. Your face, hair, and body will turn black from the smoke, and it can make you sick.

Smoke can make a person dizzy or sick, it can burn the eyes, cause you to cough, and it can do a lot other things as well. The smoke will look gray and black, and it can go really high and it can cloud up cities and towns if the wind causes it to. The smoke from the fire is very toxic, and it can harm your health. A wildfire can start by the smallest flame or a fire still smoldering, so you have to make sure a fire is out all the way. Don't throw something lit on the ground that can cause a fire to start. When a fire starts, put everyone in the area or areas in danger, and it ruins or damages the land.

When the smoke gets on your lungs, it makes you cough, wheeze, your skin to get irritated, your eyes to start to burn and water, your throat to get irritated, and can cause breathing problems. When this happens, you will have to go to the hospital to get checked out and get breathing treatments. If you get burned from the fire, you can be hospitalized depending on how bad you got burned and how big of areas the burns are. If you see a wildfire, get out of the area, and don't think that the fire won't get to your house because it can and it can burn your house to the ground in minutes. The fire can spread house to house through the neighborhood.

When wildfires are started, it takes minutes or seconds to spread, and the damage can be really bad and they are very hard to put out. It can take fire fighters days to put the fire out, depending on how big the fire is and how far it spreads. Firefighters have to deal with this every year. Some can be bad and others can be worse depending on how fast it burns, how high it gets, and how far the wind takes it. People and animals get injured like a few or hundreds at a time or they can die from the fire.
Author Resource:- Aydan Corkern is a writer of many topics, visit some of her sites, like
water damage florida and water damage new york.

Article From ArticleSlide.com

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